Evening Sun Gallery

2003 Paintings

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Rio Grande I
66x54 - 2003
Rio Grande II
66x54 - 2003
Rio Grande III
66x54 - 2003-2004
Artist's Notes:
The Rio Grande Series was an attempt to express the feelings and experiences of my 39 kayaking trips on the river during the summer and autumn of 2003. The first one was meant to capture the experience of going back and forth between being and non-being, appearance and disappearance, manifestation and dissolution.
Then I used similar hues for the others. The second perhaps best captures the colors of the river experience and the peace and stillness, and the third more of the feelings and textures of flowing water and rocks.

Smoldering Passions
72x66 - 2003
42x36 - 2003
Coll. Debra Rosenman
Triumph of the Human Spirit
60x54 - 2003
Untitled IV 2003
66x56 - 2003
Coll. Brad Jarol
Untitled I 2003
66x56 - 2003
Amerika III
66x54 - 2003
Untitled II 2003
66x56 - 2003
Untitled VI 2003
42x36 - 2003
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